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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

    How Can You Make Your Water Heater More Efficient?

    No one likes to waste energy; it's costly and it's bad for the environment. But did you know that your water heater is a great home appliance to target for better energy performance? Here are some easy ways to get better efficiency from your water heater. Balance Water Consumption Against the Appliance's Load Each appliance is rated for its expected output. For water heaters, you may see an estimate of the number of hours it can run through the year or the number of gallons it can efficiently heat in that timespan.

    How to Troubleshoot a Frozen Air Conditioner

    Air conditioners provide cooling to your home, allowing you to maintain a certain level of comfort throughout the summer months. However, due to the very nature of their operation, air conditioners are also susceptible to freezing and ice buildup, despite the weather conditions that they operate in. Thankfully, if your AC unit does freeze, you can easily do a few things to troubleshoot it and get it working normally again.

    Inspecting Central Air Conditioning For Season Changes

    For many areas, the seasons don't feel the way they did a decade or two ago. If your area has unseasonably cool days in the summer or enough heat for t-shirt weather in the winter, your air conditioning system could be going through some changes that aren't too forgiving on the power bill or the maintenance schedule. A few heating and cooling system inspection points can help you figure out what these strange season situations mean for your air conditioning unit.

    Avoid The Summer AC Freeze With These AC Cleaning Tips During Heatwaves

    The summer months mean that you will be using your AC more and a common problem that you can have is freezing. When the AC freezes, it is due to the condensation forming on dirty coils. The copper lines form condensation that freezes during the cooling process. Here are a few tips to help you avoid summer AC freezes that can damage components and cause costly repairs: 1. Install and Enclosure to Protect Unit from Outdoor Debris

    Pinpointing the Source of an Air Conditioner's Refrigerant Leak

    Refrigerant is the most potent component of an air conditioning system—the one that is responsible for transforming warm air into cold. Yet that refrigerant is also a serious hazard to you and to the environment should it begin to leak from your AC. A refrigerant leak will also significant compromise the efficiency of your unit. If you would like to learn more about where refrigerant leaks commonly occur, read on. This article will outline two of the most common leak points.

    2 Frequently Encountered Draft-Inducer Issues

    A large number of furnaces being manufactured today contain a component called the draft inducer. The purpose of the draft inducer is to accelerate the movement of flue gases out of your home, thus reducing the risk of poisoning should those gases escape into the air of your home. In addition, a draft inducer acts to boost furnace efficiency by promoting airflow within the heat exchanger. While a draft inducer brings with it many undeniably positive benefits, it is also susceptible to certain problems all its own.

    2 Maintenance Tips for Furnace Owners

    During the harsh winter months, your home's furnace can be an invaluable source of heat. Yet, issues with a furnace may cause it to malfunction, which can lead to your home quickly becoming a very uncomfortable place to be. If you have rarely given much thought to the furnace in your home, you may want to start using some tips to get the best performance possible from your home's furnace.

    How To Replace Your Water Heater's Drain Pipe

    Your hot water heater contains a critically important component known as the pressure relief valve. Should pressure begin to build to unmanageable levels inside the water heater, the pressure relief valve will open and release water and steam to prevent an explosion. Make no mistake about it: a hot water heater explosion can be deadly and can also devastate a home. If the pressure relief valve on your hot water heater is leaking, then it will need to be replaced.