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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

    Wondering If Your Indoor Air Is Making You Sick? How to Find Out

    Indoor air quality has a lot to do with people's health. It is the number one reason why so many people are sick in winter. They stay inside with the windows closed and the furnace running, circulating the same air throughout the house all winter. Add some outside germs to the mix, and everyone is sick all winter long. If you are wondering if the sudden uptick in illness in your home is due to air quality, here is how you can find out, and how you can fix the situation.

    When Should You Call The Furnace Repairman?

    Your furnace is turned on at that first chilly day and runs throughout those cold winter months until you can finally open the windows again. It can run anywhere from 3 months to 6 months depending on how mother nature is feeling that year. If your furnace isn't performing properly then you could be feeling a bit chilly inside your home as well, which is definitely not what you want. If you aren't sure if you should call your local furnace repair service for help with your furnace, read on for helpful information to guide you.

    Monthly Air Conditioner Maintenance You As A Homeowner Should Do

    Most people don't do any type of maintenance on their air conditioners until they begin to have a problem. At this point, it may be too late and you could be setting yourself up for a premature breakdown of your system. Maintenance of your air conditioning system should be done every month throughout the season while you are using your air conditioning system. Read on for some monthly air conditioning maintenance tasks you as a homeowner should do.

    How To Know If You Should Replace Your AC Ducts

    Central air conditioning units rely on ductwork to circulate air throughout the home. There might come a time where you need to replace the ductwork so that your air conditioning unit can operate as efficiently as possible. It's easy to overlook your ductwork since it is not as visible as some other systems, but there might come a time where you need to replace your ductwork.  Inadequate Air Flow If you notice that your home has lower cooling power, it might be time to replace your ductwork.

    4 Factors That Influence The Cost Of Your Furnace Installation

    Even though you may be more concerned with the functionality of your air conditioning during the warmer months, summer is an excellent time to install a new furnace. This gives you more time to explore your options and find a contractor that you're comfortable working with. You'll also have more time to properly budget for the expenditure. The cost to install a new furnace varies significantly depending on your home and specific heating needs.

    Why Your AC Suddenly Stopped Working

    When you flip the switch on your thermostat to turn on your home's AC, it usually starts pumping out cold air immediately. That's why it is a reason for concern when you don't feel that refreshing breeze of cool air right away. Here are some reasons why air conditioning units can suddenly stop working: Compressor Problems Start by taking a look at the compressor outside your home. This part of the HVAC system has the job of circulating the refrigerant through the HVAC system so that it can remove the heat from the air.

    Outdoor Plumbing Issues That May Require A Plumber

    While not everyone has outdoor plumbing fixtures to worry about, even those who do seem to forget about them. When they are not properly maintained, problems arise that will take more than a simple fix, and a plumber may need to be called. Of course, there may also be issues with the water lines going into the house and/or the sewer lines leading away from it. Here are a few times you should contact a plumber for outdoor issues.

    2 Signs Your Business's Central Air Conditioning Unit Is Failing

    If you have noticed that your business's building is no longer staying as cool as it once did, you may start to suspect that there could be something wrong with the central air conditioning system. To confirm your suspicions, look for the following signs that your commercial AC unit is starting to fail. 1.  Rooms Are Being Cooled Unevenly One thing you may notice when there is something wrong with your air conditioner is that the rooms all seem to have a different temperature.