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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

Getting Your Furnace Ready For The Cold Months

by Jamie Shaw

As the cold weather season is approaching, it can be wise to get your home's heating system ready for the added demand that it will face. More specifically, there are several steps that homeowners may not take before they use their system, and this could lead to some significant performance or even safety issues. 

Cleaning And Inspecting The Furnace System

During the spring and summer months, your furnace system may be inactive for vast periods of time. Unfortunately, this can lead to large amounts of dust accumulating on it, and this dust could have the potential to severely impair the overall performance of the furnace. Thoroughly cleaning it can help to avoid these accumulations potentially putting strain on the furnace and leading to it requiring major repairs. When cleaning the furnace, a thorough inspection should be performed of it to look for signs of developing problems that may require professional repairs. Some common examples of this could be the formation of rust, warping, or even cracking. In particular, you should pay special attention to the burner when assessing these damages as this can be the component that may be the most likely to fall victim to these issues.

Monitoring The Energy Usage Of The Heating System

Once your heating system is running, you may want to review the monthly energy usage rates for the system. This can seem like an unusual step, but many problems with a heating system may not be readily apparent to the homeowner. However, these issues may be likely to increase the energy used by the heating system, and this will become clear in your monthly energy bills. Tracking the average heating costs for your home during the winter can provide you with an effective comparison to determine whether your heating system is running as efficiently as you would normally expect from it.

Checking Any Smoke And Carbon Monoxide Detectors Near The Heating System

Placing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors near the heating system can be a critical step for keeping your home and your family safe. While these alarms can alert you to potentially serious and dangerous situations with the heating system, they will need to be tested and checked at regular intervals. Ideally, this is a step that should be done during the fall months before you will need to use the heating system so that you can change any batteries in these devices. However, you should also test them periodically during the winter months so that you can be confident that they are continuing to work correctly and that they will provide effective protection for your home.

Contact a local heating service to learn more. 
