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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

Common Reasons Why You May Smell A Burnt Scent When Running Your Heater

by Jamie Shaw

If you smell a burnt scent when you are running your heater, the scent may be perfectly normal or it may signal that you need heater repair. Unfortunately, many people are unsure what is normal and what may signal the need to get a heater repair.

Here are a few reasons why you may smell a burnt scent when running your heater and whether it is normal or may be a sign that heater repair is needed.

Your Heater is Burning Away Dust or Dirt

It is fairly common to smell a burnt scent when you run your heater for the first or second time after it has been sitting unused for months. A heater that has not been used has likely accumulated dirt and dust, and the burning scent you may be smelling is that dirt or dust being burnt away. Having your heater or furnace cleaned prior to winter can minimize the burnt scent caused by dirt and dust.

You Need to Replace the Filter in Your Heater

If you smell a smoky scent when you run your heater, you may need to replace the filter in your heater. This is particularly true if you have a heater that uses oil. An oil filter can get clogged with residue and debris, and the heater then burns that residue and debris off, causing the smoky scent you are smelling. Replacing the filter in your heater will solve this issue. 

Something Has Overheated or Burnt Out In Your Heater

If you smell a burning scent that has a metallic or electric scent associated with it, you should stop using your heater until you get the heater inspected by a professional. There are many reasons why you may smell an electric or metallic burning scent, all of which require heater repair. Bad electrical wiring, a blown-out heater motor, or a fried circuit board in your heater can all cause a metallic or electric burning scent as you use your heater. 

If you smell a burnt scent when you are running your heater, you may need to let the heater run for a little while to burn off the dust, may need to replace the filter in your heater or you may be in need of a heater repair. If you are unsure, it is always wise to consult with a heating service. They can inspect your heater and help you determine the best way to deal with whatever burning scent you may be encountering as you run your heater.

Reach out to a heater repair contractor to learn more.
