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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

How Companies Can Better Manage Commercial AC Installations

by Jamie Shaw

If your commercial property has an AC unit that's constantly giving you costly issues to fix, you can replace it and then look forward to a reliable cooling system again. Just make sure you prepare for this commercial AC installation in the following ways.

Keep an Open Mind With AC Unit Types in the Beginning

Before you get a new cooling system set up around your commercial property, you have to decide exactly what system to go with. A good rule of thumb is to keep an open mind in the beginning with different options. Then you can learn about the benefits for each model and improve your odds of making the best choice.

Some options for commercial properties today include rooftop, mini-split, split, and variable air volume units. You should talk to a licensed commercial AC installer about each of them so that you ultimately choose a compatible, well-performing model.

Prepare the Installation Site Appropriately

You can feel better about having a new AC unit set up in your commercial building if you prepare the installation site well before materials and components start showing up for the new system. There are certain things you'll need to do to ensure this commercial AC installation goes smoothly and quickly.

That includes clearing pathways for contractors that will be setting up new AC equipment, deciding where this new system is ultimately going to go, and making sure contractors have access to your old AC equipment. Work these aspects out so that your commercial AC install remains stress-free for all parties involved. 

Decide Between Duct Repairs and a Total Replacement

An important part of a commercial AC unit is the ductwork that cool air moves throughout. You can either repair the original ductwork that's in your commercial building or have it replaced entirely when investing in a new commercial AC system.

Weigh both options before carrying out this AC installation. You need to look at the condition of the existing ductwork and see if repairs are feasible. If they aren't, then you can just have this ductwork replaced by the AC installer that comes out.

The more concrete plans you put in place for a commercial AC installation, the smoother this entire process is going to go at every stage. Then you won't have to wait a long time to start using this system or worry about the new cooling system not working optimally.
