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The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

A couple of months ago, the HVAC unit in my home started malfunctioning. The temperature inside my home soared to over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, even though my air conditioning system ran nonstop. After inspecting my air conditioning unit, my knowledgeable HVAC contractor recommended I purchase a new system. He discussed the pros and cons of installing different sizes of HVAC units with me. After considering my HVAC contractor’s advice, I decided to purchase a three and a half ton HVAC unit. Shortly after my HVAC contractor installed my new air conditioning unit, my house started feeling more comfortable. On this blog, I hope you will discover how an HVAC contractor can help you select the right air conditioning unit for your home. Enjoy!


The Right HVAC Unit for Your Home

3 Ways Your Air Conditioner Could Be More Efficient

by Jamie Shaw

An air conditioner system that is not being properly maintained can result in it being used inefficiently. Worse yet, you and your family could be subjected to harmful contaminants that could lead to breathing problems, such as allergies and asthma. If you want to keep your system operating efficiently, avoid these serious mistakes:  

Your Thermostats and Vents Are Improperly Placed

The thermostat is responsible for regulating the air conditioner. Ideally, it should be centrally located in the home so that a proper gauge of the air temperature can be taken. Unfortunately, not all thermostats are properly placed, which results in the system cycling on and off too much. The result is more wear and tear on the system.  

The source of the air that is used in your air conditioner is important. The wrong air could push contaminants, such as exhaust fumes, into your home. Exhaust air can lead to breathing difficulties. To avoid this, the vents need to be strategically placed so that the supply air is from the duct supply and not exhaust.

You Are Cooling Empty Rooms

Leaving the vents open in empty rooms might not seem like a big deal, but it can have a significant impact on your air conditioner. The air conditioner will operate for longer periods of time to cool those rooms. This means more wear and tear on the air conditioner and far more money spent on your energy bills.

To prevent this, you need to ensure that all the vents are closed in the rooms that are empty. If you need to use those rooms later, you can simply open the vents. In addition to closing the vents, you need to close the doors to those rooms. If you do not, cooled air from other areas of the home could be pushed into those rooms, which still forces your air conditioner to work harder.

You Are Using Your Air Conditioner 24/7

It might be tempting to keep your air conditioner running around the clock. This is especially true during the summer. However, this could not only result in significant wear and tear, but it will cause your energy bills to increase.

Ideally, you should be using a programmable thermostat to regulate the usage of your air conditioner. You can program the unit to turn off when no one is home. You can even set it to start cooling off the home an hour before everyone returns. In addition to this, you can use fans to help circulate the air in your home, which pulls some of the work on your air conditioner.

Talk to your air conditioning contractor about other ways you can use your air conditioner more efficiently.
